Carol Kavanagh
School Support Executive
Carol has almost 3 years experience working with the support team and has come across every type of query you can imagine. She is an expert in all things VSware from timetables to term reports and everything in between. In this post, she discusses this week’s most popular support query.
The past few weeks have been all go for the VSware team. Schools have been returning after the Christmas holidays and the support team have noticed that the most common query being raised is;
How do I give parental access on VSware and in turn, how do I give parental access to term reports?
Now that it’s that time of year when parents want to view the students’ Christmas exam results, refer to the following steps below and parents will be viewing all those fantastic exam results in no time.
Schools should first make sure they link siblings with the same mother/father parent contact to avoid duplicates when you get to creating parent accounts. Below is a handy guide on how to do this:
Now it’s time to get to creating the accounts. This step by step guide shows you exactly how to do it:
Schools can tick the box that grants parents access to term reports (and also personal information, behaviour or attendance) through your school system settings. Find out how to check these options out through the following link:
- Decide what the parent can see
Once the option to ‘Allow Parental Access to Term Reports’ is ticked, you then just have to choose ‘Yes’ under the ‘Publish to Parents’ option in the exam settings. Parents are then ready to check out those exam results!

Schools can even choose a Parental Print Template which allows the parents to print off the reports at home if they wish, which in turn means no more expenses on stamps and paper.
We will have more insider info soon, so make sure to keep your eye firmly set on this blog.